Fw 190 A8 1:32 Hasegawa

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Senior Airman
First impression: too few details for an 1:32 maked in 2006, engine only front part, almost no rivets, no guns except visible parts, nothing under the bow, and no photoetched (this was going to be my first photoetched work ever!). In the other hand: good quality and correct general lines, control panel with two options: engraved instruments or decals.
In brief, good model but I expected more from it, very suitable base for detailing.

Now, the construction: I made molds of wax and copied the half star of the engine three more times, so I ended with 4 quarters and can make an entire motor (see pics).


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Excellent start ! I'm rather puzzled though, as the Hasegawa kit I have was purchased in the mid 1970's, and built in 1978. It has a full engine, exhausts etc, although the wing guns and other parts are, as you say, rather basic by today's standards.
I did notice the box art is totally different though, so perhaps there is more than one 'old' kit ?
I did this same kit a couple few years ago, was my first kit with an airbrush...

My kit also had the front part only for the engine, but with the fan unit inplace, u cant really see anything in there... Are u planning on opening one of the access panels or something, cause u went through alot of excellent work for nothing if not...

Heres the kit and a couple pics I just took of her front end... As u can see, u can barely discern theres an engine in there...


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Thanks all, lads. The cover art is a work of the master Shigeo Koike. About the overdetailing of engine, my son (and helper) Luciano an me decided to open any control panel, that´s the reason for the extra work.
For the copies I used the moulding resin of which are made boats hulls, I buyed a little amount of it in a nautical shop. You can see that the three copies have different color, because I dropped too different amount of hardener and didn´t made all at the same time. The wax came out from a few cheap candles.
Today we were airbrushing some pieces, really a vice!

Nope, entirely different kit. New tool, came out around the same time as their Dora kits. 2006 I want to say? Could be wrong about the exact year, but it was in the last decade. You need to get one Terry, great kit!

Great work on the engine!
I've actually got it on my list of 'To buy' kits ! I always thought it was the same kit as my original, and still surprised it hasn't got the engine parts! I think I saw the original in an advert recently, so might look for that one, although I won't be opening the engine this time.
Looking forward to seeing the cockpit parts - the 'old' kit was reasonably good, but let down by the poor seat, and it lacked the 'blisters' on the wings for the cannons.
Some advances, as you can see I´m a very slow modeler!.
Added side transparent plate to allow display engine bearer (recently added too). Starting tests to make exhaust pipes and the usual disaster: musted enhance the back part of the engine, it was too little.
Added intake pipes too, and can be seen that handling has deteriorated a little the engine paint.
Well, at this step it is going to be a looooong work.

Edit: everything is still scratch build.


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