Galland's Bf 109s

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I continue my study of Gallands 109's either 5966 had a repaint?? or there is another as yet unidentified E flown by Galland that had a number of images taken that is confusing the process of which aircraft is which....5819 or 5966 or ????
There are some distinctly different camo patterns but one thing I am taking for granted at this time, is that the Schlageter badges were NOT painted over in a repaint or repaints, and there are 3 different badges that fit within the primary aircraft's (5819) time frame of use....more discussion to come!!:D
I continue my study of Gallands 109's either 5966 had a repaint?? or there is another as yet unidentified E flown by Galland that had a number of images taken that is confusing the process of which aircraft is which....5819 or 5966 or ????
There are some distinctly different camo patterns but one thing I am taking for granted at this time, is that the Schlageter badges were NOT painted over in a repaint or repaints, and there are 3 different badges that fit within the primary aircraft's (5819) time frame of use....more discussion to come!!:D

Thank you Wayne for this post: I agree with you, we have to stay focused on this thread, exchanging studies and opinions, the most important things.
Just to start, please refer to my latest posts; I tried to give you my following opinions:
1- 5819 at the begin had not the telescope neither the mouse badge; they were added later, probably in October.
2- The telescope was never removed as was the mouse badge.
3- I think when 5819 was repainted at the begin of 1941, for some unknow reasons the stencil under the oil filler cap was changed: it was triangular then circular (black or red?); I suspect when this was done it was necessary to repaint the area near this stencil and this is why the JG26's has to be changed and repainted smaller. If necessary I may arrange a photographic study to support this.

Please everybody wants to contribute to this discussion fell free to post!
Thank you
Thank you Wayne for this post: I agree with you, we have to stay focused on this thread, exchanging studies and opinions, the most important things.
Just to start, please refer to my latest posts; I tried to give you my following opinions:
1- 5819 at the begin had not the telescope neither the mouse badge; they were added later, probably in October.
2- The telescope was never removed as was the mouse badge.
3- I think when 5819 was repainted at the begin of 1941, for some unknow reasons the stencil under the oil filler cap was changed: it was triangular then circular (black or red?); I suspect when this was done it was necessary to repaint the area near this stencil and this is why the JG26's has to be changed and repainted smaller. If necessary I may arrange a photographic study to support this.

Please everybody wants to contribute to this discussion fell free to post!
Thank you

Please go ahead with your image study, Flavio...I just wish all images could be dated to give us an orderly progression!:D
Please go ahead with your image study, Flavio...I just wish all images could be dated to give us an orderly progression!:D

W.Nr. 5819 Phase 2
At the begin of 1941, during Galland's leave, W.Nr. 5819 was converted from E-4/N to E-7/Z: it was equipped with drop tank fittings to increase operational range (E-7 feature) and was added an additional equipment for a further improvement of the performance in high altitudes (280 HP at 8.000 m) through the injection of a mixture of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) into aircraft engine (designated GM-1 system). I attach some photos that clearly show the drop tank fitting and the light paint patch beneath the Geschwaderkommodore markings where the GM-1 system was mounted.
5819 was re-camouflaged during this time and the rudder was completely painted over with fresh yellow paint: the victory bars were re-applied in a slight different position, without the RLM 65 rectangle: at the begin there were 57 bars, then 58 and finally 60. Also the JG26 badge was modified (smaller than the previous): probably it was necessary to paint it again when something on the oil filler cap was changed (the stencil beneath it was modified -from a brown triangle to a black circle). The red arrow points out a light shadow around the new badge, probably the trace of the previous bigger one. At the end of April '41 5819was transferred to Egr.Gr.26 and modified again (phase 3).

Your comment will be welcome!


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Flavio, the second to last shot in the post above...where does that come from? I haven't seen that one before.

The picture cames from Revi magazine n°76/2009.
Please Wayne I am interested to your opinion about what I wrote in my previous posts.
Thanks, Flavio
Flavio, the second to last shot in the post above...where does that come from? I haven't seen that one before.

Yes ... it is interesting and it is also Copy Protected for sooth

To be honest, it looks an awful lot like a large coiled yellow sausage

Anyone else any ideas ?
Yes ... it is interesting and it is also Copy Protected for sooth

To be honest, it looks an awful lot like a large coiled yellow sausage

Anyone else any ideas ?

I believe its to hide the swastika.
yeah, pobably. Most likely the pic came from a collector site or ebay and they do things like that.

I wonder how they treat artifacts from Indian religions and culture which are often plastered with Swastikas ?

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