Galland's Bf 109s

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When withdrawn from front line service many Bf 109Es were also used as advanced trainers or were delivered to German Axis allies.
Flav, if you can, try to re-size those pics to about 800 - 1024 pix.

Maria, here is a pic for ya.....


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Flav, if you can, try to re-size those pics to about 800 - 1024 pix.

Maria, here is a pic for ya.....

Ok, ri-sized.
As I said I attach one more photo I suspect about 5966 (photo A): I compare it with another one (photo B) and the mottles around the badge and cockpit seem match.
What do you think?


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-cut- Maria, here is a pic for ya.....

Thanks Njaco, I already have that one, but not in such a good resolution. :thumbleft:
Here's a few faves of mine, then:


A total fave - those two gents together, Galland and Stanford-Tuck?
Dang, I'd love to have been a little fly on the inside of that cockpit glass! :lol:


A hunting permit for a very young Galland, from Held's book:


Pre-glider crash:


Oops - photographer!

Ok, ri-sized.
As I said I attach one more photo I suspect about 5966 (photo A): I compare it with another one (photo B) and the mottles around the badge and cockpit seem match.
What do you think?

Absolutely, it is definitely 5966...:D

Look closely at the following shot, it is not 5966, it is not 5819....the schlageter badge is very very similar to 5966 but has differences....?? also the mottled camo is different and there is no telescopic sight in the windscreen!!??
Plus 5966 for comparrison.....


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Ok, ri-sized.
As I said I attach one more photo I suspect about 5966 (photo A): I compare it with another one (photo B) and the mottles around the badge and cockpit seem match.
What do you think?

Is it just me or is Photo A and Photo B not the same plane. The reason I say it is first off plane A doesnt have the Telescope sight as Plane B does. Now I dont know when they were added or if it just wasnt installed yet. Just a small obversation I had. Also plane A has the aircraft data plate under the badge and plane B doesnt appear to have it. Again this could be the same plane, just a little bit of time between the two photos.
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Beaup, the telescope were only used for a few days by Galland, before it was removed, so it can still be the same plane, only before or after the telescope were tested.
Am digging up a photo with text regarding the telescope, brb. ;)

EDIT: Here ya go, it's from Toliver and Constable's book on Galland:


And a small series of pics from Werner Held's book on Galland:

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Is it just me or is Photo A and Photo B not the same plane. The reason I say it is first off plane A doesnt have the Telescope sight as Plane B does. Now I dont know when they were added or if it just wasnt installed yet. Just a small obversation I had. Also plane A has the aircraft data plate under the badge and plane B doesnt appear to have it. Again this could be the same plane, just a little bit of time between the two photos.

Hi Beaupower32,
I confirm that photo "A" and "B" show the same plane: unfortunately (I don't know the reason) photo "A" I posted was re-touched and the telescope sight deleted; the correct and original one is posted by Wayne Little just minutes before your post. As you may note the telescope was in; if you pay attention on photo "B" is also visible the data plate (the resolution is very low but there are two little white dots under the JG26's badge).

To Maria: "...the telescope were only used for a few days by Galland, before it was removed,..".
Even if some sources quote this, I think this information is wrong; photographic evidences infact confirm that Galland's 5819 was equipped with this feature some time in October '40, it was never removed and it was still there in April '41; moreover the telescope was also installed on Galland's reserve aircraft Bf109E 5966 and on his first Bf109F model also: a very large use I think!

Look closely at the following shot, it is not 5966, it is not 5819....the schlageter badge is very very similar to 5966 but has differences....?? also the mottled camo is different and there is no telescopic sight in the windscreen!!??

Hi Wayne,
I think the photo you posted shows 5819 few days after Galland received it (some sources infact state "Major Galland being congratulated on his 40th victory by his chief mechanic, Uffz. Meyer, 24 Sept.". I post a photo-study I made hoping it may confirm this. If so 5819 received telescopic sight in October like the Mouse emblem. Moreover the original stencil under the oil filler cap was triangular and it was changed some time at the begin of 1941.



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Note that aircraft A,B and C have the top plate on the head armour, whereas 'D' does not. This is also evident in the pics Wayne posted. Aircraft D,E and F are the same machine, and unless re-painted, are not the same machine as the other pics. Note the shape and angle of the Kommodere Winkel.
Found some new pics on a collectables website. Might shed more light on the crate.

and the He 111 is apparently one that Galland flew - according to the caption.


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Good stuff Chris ! That painted - over area where the two cover plates are is interesting. I don't remember seeing that so clearly before - but then there's a few things I don't remember occassionally!
Thanks Saet! Some good stuff there. Might I suggest starting a thread about him as I want to keep this one on Galland. From your other posts sounds like you have some good Italian history and maybe soon you can add to a Battle of Britain thread I'm gonna start in a few months.

Terry, thats one of the things I noticed and may help in IDing which plane is which. And I know 'yellow' shows up dark but that is really dark on that cowl and a few other posted pics.
Thanks Beau!

You know, er might be able to get enough pics to post together a series and make a .gif!!:)

Some more.

Herman, could only find profiles.

and a nice one for Maria!


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Thanks Njaco and Beaupower. ;)

Am saving all files related to Galland (my poor harddisc drive! :lol: ), and there's some photos in between that I haven't seen before - thanks for sharing, folks. ;) :thumbleft:
Thats what we're here for! :)

I've been collecting pics of Moelders and Hartmann's machines as well - will start those threads soon.

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