GB 20 Question...

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Does this one regard WWII birds, or just during WWII?

I'm wondering, since we, Sweden, used the Harvard/Texan, but we bought them in '47 and later...
Same again with the P-51, our J/S 26, which we bought in '45, '46 and '48....
Mosquito, our J 30 nightfighter, which we bought in '48, 60 de Havilland DH*98 Mosquito Mk*XIX we had...
....and what about the de Havilland Vampire, the prototype LZ548/G first flew 30th of September 1943 from Hatfield and the first production model, the Mk I flew in April 1945....had it not been because de Havilland had to send their only engine over to Lockheed, which had theirs destroyed in ground tests for the P-80, the Vampire might had seen combat in WWII, but anyway....

Is this GB 20, limited to WWII period or is it any (within reason) WWII bird?
Well since you brought up #20, I have to decide between an RCAF Fw-190F-8, an RAF/US Ar234, an RAF Me109E-3, and US Ki-43, Ki-45, Ki-84, A6M Zero, J2M3 Raiden, Fw190A-5, A-8, and two F-8's.

The description here: clearly says WW2.

And while we're on it, in my opinion, captured birds don't meet the spirit of this GB (captured aircraft had their own GB). Aircraft in foreign service, to me, means, as an example, an RAF P-40 or Soviet Airacobra, or Italian 109, or American Mosquito, etc.... These are all examples of aircraft intentionally provided to foreign powers. If the majority disagrees with my position then I'll cave, but that's my take on it.
I totally agree with Andy.
This may sound harsh, or 'getting at people', but let me state now, this is not the intention.
However, over a number of GBs, there have been a few entries which appear to be making the GB fit the model, rather than the other way around, resulting in yet more entries of favourite aircraft, be it Bf109, Spitfire, Corsair or Flying Hippocroccofrog, which, perhaps, are not really within the 'spirit' of a particular GB.
This is NOT the aim of GBs, where the intention is to provide a broad display of a multitude of aircraft types, colours, eras, etc etc.
There is also a tendency, sometimes, to enter a GB with loads of enthusiasm, then tail off as the next GB approaches, when a new model, for that GB, is started, again with new enthusiasm. This results in the Judges viewing the progress of builds, only to have to then 'scrap' any notes or points remembered when it comes to judging. Or, in some cases, requests for extensions to a GB, as the model(s) haven't been finished due to starting the next GB.
Please remember that the overlap of one GB to the next was designed to allow time to research, obtain the required kit, decals, accessories etc, with the 'real' start of the GB originally being scheduled for the day following the end of the then current GB.
Just thought I'd pass on a couple of reminders chaps !
Well said.
I've got a P-40 Tomahawk Mk II B. Originally meant for the R.A.F., but provided to the A.V.G. of the Chinese Air Force.
If that isn't foreign service...
That'll be foreign, foreign service then! Good one Paul.
Don't know if I'll have time to enter anything, as I need to catch-up on the 'Pete', and also finish a long overdue painting, hands permitting. Pity model shops don't sell replacement hands and wrists !!
Well said Terry.

For me, and it's what I am going to try and convince the museum, it's the Story behind the plane and pilot that I am intrigued with and what I try and gear my builds towards. I have done one P-40 so far, the VVS build. This build will be of the P-40N the only aboriginal RAAF pilot flew. He was the Tuskegee Airman of Australia. "They can't fly planes"!

Going to use this one and my Commonwealth GB8 Spitfire to demonstrate this at the museum to start a collection area of Aussies who flew in the wars. Something visual instead of text nobody reads. I want this collection to have it's own cabinet with really nice quality builds.

I'll get off my soap box now.
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That is correct, most folks are not big readers. An excellent idea; replace plaques with 3-d visualizations. A short bit about the airplane would be in order, of course. We can't have the ignorant calling a "P-40" a "P-51", now can we!
That'll be foreign, foreign service then! Good one Paul.
Don't know if I'll have time to enter anything, as I need to catch-up on the 'Pete', and also finish a long overdue painting, hands permitting. Pity model shops don't sell replacement hands and wrists !!
That is kind of what I was thinking!
Reverse lend lease that ended up as foreign service, with a twist!
Sounds kind of like a cocktail!, Don't it?

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