Found 2 RCAF pilots who flew the Defiant during the BoB, one who survived the disastrous 141 Squadron "fight" against 109s. Could only find a s/n for one and no codes.
GB 37 will start Feb 1 and go to Sunday June 3. The theme will be split into 1) Helicopters of any period and 2) Military aircraft in service during the Battle of Britain period (beginning of July 1940 to end of October 1940).
Judging will not be split but will consider entries from both categories.
Participants should do their research if intending to enter a non-Battle of Britain aircraft in category 2 to be able to show that their entry served in the specified time frame. Please don't make the judges do your research for you!
Alles klar, zer gut. Zu befehl Herr Oberst !
And yes - do your research !!
As it's going to be a split build imcluding, I would think, quite a number of aircraft from the BoB itself, I'll re-post the relevant 'BoB Bits' details notes I compiled for the first BoB GB, which should help some with units, aircraft types, codes, etc etc.
Excellent, I took pictures this morning of the old 1:24 Airfix Hurricane Mk.I and had a good long look at all her bits and bobs last night. She will be my entry for starters.
Looks like the new ICM Heinkel He-111 will be getting an airing by me - possibly followed by more, if it doesn't take a liftetime to get the Heinkel done.
Finally found a Canadian gunner (MIA/KIA) in a Defiant with codes and s/n......2 months prior to start date. Lots of time to keep looking, If I can't find one carrying a Canadian by the end ofFebruary it'll just be a Defiant carrying what ever decals are in the kit
Some Hurricane questions.
For Hurricanes of that vintage would the engine bearing frames be aluminum or green? What about the cockpit frame, same question.
I have looked around and seen examples in both colours.
Also, in a restoration photo of a Mk. I that I found, I see they were using a red coloured dope on the fabric surfaces. I know Wellingtons used a red coloured dope. Would Hurricanes have used the same or is the red dope a modern convenience.
Lots of questions and I appreciate all input and the GB has not even begun yet.