step to show you how I am staying the plane, after making the dark earth and the dark green chipped and worn
dark earth and chipped
now dark green and chipped
then the worn paint, With the colors diluted up to 90% I have given a hand to each stain of the camouflage, to make a mitigation effect of the chipped that although visible you can see the color, and leave some chunk that looks metal but not so much How is it going
and so it remains after all the treatment to the painting, it is necessary to give the paneling and a light hand of powdered to the whole surface, studying the intrados and the spots to do in the work train.
I hope to be able to ask him this weekend as they have to inform me on Friday in the right arm for a recurrent injury and I will be incapacitated for 4 days so if I do not finish it I will not get to the date.
thank you all for commenting, the arm continues its course to see what specialists say on Friday
Andy you think I should cover something more chipped and that look a lot less in quantity?
thanks what for me your point of view is important, you are great modelers and you make beautiful models, all with experience and knowledge you make an initiate like me learn why you tell me things is very nice for me, thanks wayne.
Today I can already move the arm after the infiltration I am with the bundle placing the decals and giving the effects on the bottom, (wheels and pontoons) I hope that on Friday first thing this finish.
just tell you that it is not necessary that you wait for me you can end the deadline and ready, do not reach the deadline and it is because of my problems I do not want to abuse because it is not fair for the rest of my colleagues