Geedee and Rocketeers Collings Foundation Tour 2014

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Great stuff again Gary, and looking at the interior of the ball turret, really brings things home. Not only cramped, claustrophobic but vertigo inducing, the gunner had a Fifty Cal blatting off in each lug hole !!
BTW, if you decide to go for a Jeep, let me know, as I think I still have a contact for ex-French Army/Air Force Hotchkiss versions, at good prices - outwardly almost the same, but with 'modern' running gear, brakes etc.
Great stuff Gary. Looks like you're both getting some spanner time experience in the bag.
And Tony a surf god - should that not read Smurf God ?!!!
Fantastic post Gary. As we speak, I have both cylinder banks from our Hurricane's Merlin 29 in my garage. Booking a time for a dip in a hot tank to clean out the gunk.

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