Geedee and Rocketeers Collings Foundation Tour 2014

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It was a fantastic experience JimH and I cannot wait to go back. I am hoping to be out in July. There are so many great memories. I will post some more pix when I get back to uk. Currently sat in BA lounge in PHL looking at the pix. I can never say thanx enuff. From chatting to the greatest ever generation to seeing kids so happy to see these wonderful birds to changing induction side Merlin plugs. I am going to check my set and see if they are ok for use on the CF. I do hope to get my Merlin running, but don't need decent plugs as she will be ground based. Cheers JimH and team and see you soon. It would be great for Gary and I to show you some good aviation sites and introduce you to real ale!!
Brill stuff again Gary, and a great insight into the bits the public don't see - all the work involved just to get a warbird to a venue. Well done to all the crew.
JimH - love the Skyraider piccie....can I have a copy please?!

Well, here are some pix from the engine work - hope I am not repeating too many. It was a great experience. Saw some nice inlet vortices in the moist air when John S started up BJ.


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All too soon the Tour for me was coming to an end. I was lucky to fly in BJ to Morrisstown NJ with John S. Again allowing for some formation with Witchcraft. My Rocketeer figure got to enjoy the trip - but not as much as me! Nice run and break to land. We set up the PX and atsrted welcoming the visitors. The bombers and BJ are great flying is a bit like the circus coming to town. The buzz is awesome as the crowds come in. I feel good about the younger generation remembering the finest generation and the debts we all owe. Lots of good kids out there.
We taxied out in the B24 which went poorly. We taxied back in and all hands to help Rob with the engine. Next day, we continued rectification and conducted a ground run. My last flight was in 909 in beautiful conditions. I then worked on the PX and gate until the sad time to go came. I dropped another volunteer off in NY and then back to JFK with the rental car. Some say the saddest ride in Disneyworld is the transit to the terminal. That solo drive to JFK was even sadder, but I smiled as I remembered the great people I had met, the awesome crew I worked with and above all had fun with. I shall never ever forget them, the 'Ladys of the Skies' and those wonderful Vets.


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