Geedee and Rocketeers Flying Legends

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Two questions, Gary. Is that FW-190 a re-production or the real mccoy ? And, is that Steve Hinton standing by
that Seafire ? [Is that a Seafire ?] OK, so it's three questions !

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Two questions, Gary. Is that FW-190 a re-production or the real mccoy ? And, is that Steve Hinton standing by
that Seafire ? [Is that a Seafire ?] OK, so it's three questions !

I was going to ask the same question.
I thought it was Steve Hinton too.
If its not he has a twin.

He must have taken time off from Chino if it is him.

All great pics, BTW.

I saw him at Chino this year but I couldn't get close enough to talk to him.
He had several other people that had "corraled" him and he was taking the time to answer their questions.
He had to go fly one of the planes before I was able to speak to him.

Hi Gary
Super shots. I am not suprised we never met much time spent looking skywards and b. to many people. The only time I managered to meet any one was to set a time and place I met Mossie by the shackelton last year at Midday If you go again we'll have to do the same thing.

in answer to your question CCheese The FW 190 is a repro powered by a Chinese copy of a Russian power plant and its still a prototype, it looked prity close to the real Mc Coy to me, I'll bash out a few snaps in my own thread not wishing to tread on Garys (dont expect as good as Garys though)
Great pics!

Did anyone notice that the Fw-190 aerial was not slack with the canopy in the rearward position? Is that authentic? If so, I have to change my reality... again.

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