Geedee's P-51D Cockpit Project

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Fully intended to do some more work on my '51 this weekend.....and in the best tradition ended up cleaning out and re-arranging the 'Hangar' (Garden shed !). Following a complete re-shuffle and two trips to the skips with cra...rubbish !... I now have more room in the Hangar and can actually work on my '51 if the weather is 'inclement' !

And then this afternoon, again in the best tradition, just cos the sun is shining and its sheltered, I walk out to the '51 and see a 3D nose-art...errrr, nope, its the missus making herself at home !


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When I met you at Legends the other week, you mentioned about your cockpit build. Love the photos, you have put a huge amount of time and effort into that, let alone money. Looks great.


When I met you at Legends the other week, you mentioned about your cockpit build. Love the photos, you have put a huge amount of time and effort into that, let alone money. Looks great.


Hi Neil, great to meet up at Legends and thanks for your comments on my project, much apreciated.

Spent some time working on the windshield over the weekend, tidying up and doing some reprofiling. On sunday, decided I have a go at putting some perspex in the windscreen aperature.eah, righty !

Brought some thin perspex with the idea of trying a single sheet to see how things went and if successful, to try and make a sort of double glazed affair to represent the original thick screen. Had no problems cutting it out, made sure I had a new drill bit for drilling the holes and used a very slow speed on the drill, damn near wore my fingers out installing the nuts and bolts and all went well until the final bolt....and that final last quarter turn...


I wont bore you with details of what I actually said, but it would probably burn its way through 6 feet of asbestos !!. At this point I decided to go and make some lunch...beans on toast with a couple of fried eggs on top to cheer me up. Toast ?...yup....beans ?...yup...eggs...sphericalls (sorry but I decline translate but I'm sure you get the drift !) broke both 'em and then...and then....and then...and then when I went to season the eggs...the bl**dy top of the pepper pot fell off.

I've invented a new snack, the main ingredient is quite simply pepper, all you have to do is add toast beans and egg to taste.

At this point I decided to waive the white flag on anything that required any technical input for the rest of the afternoon and went off and practiced my industrial strength sulk.

Then in the evening, had a massive BBQ and all ended up well.


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Cheers guys.

Glenn, the piccie is Rita Hayworth (freely available on the World Wide Wait) ...seemed quite the sort of shot to have on the dashboard. It will be replaced later on when I can get the missus all dressed up
I offered to pose for a photo to replace Rita, but rather weirdly, Gary turned me down!!

Seriously, I am incredibly impressed by Gary's P51 and Glenn's P47....I have just taken the time to go back thru the threads from post 1 (on each project) - truly amazing and world class.

Cheers all

I feel your pain mate..having had similar days with both the F-16 and the Spitfire. Hang in there, play some Vera Lynn and drink a for me

Aside from that, looking fantastic mate!!

Cheers guys.

Decided I wasn't happy with the metal work around the base of the windshield so spent the day making a new skin and starting to form it into the right shape. Still got some work to do before I start on the one on the opposite side.

Finished the day by taking the skin pins out and putting a few pop rivets in to hold it in place so's I could see how its coming along.

Quite pleased but there's still the little centre section to make before I can finally instal it all completely, and I've got to sort out the front windshield Perspex..decided I cant afford the original glass just yet as i'm about two grand short !

Hey ho, more work planned for tomorrow


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