Not really, NORMAL STANDARDS, do they apply. Chris said it best. You can sit in your home today 2015 and ask "How could they do that?" Now, I do not know you at all but I do know that men/women in groups can and do things that alone they would never do and in a war you(pl) are a group and "they" are not. Mobs have little or no morality and what little they do have applies to their group not the non-human foe" As a soldier you are taught to obey orders: "I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Obviously you can refuse an order and state that it is "illegal" but that is YOUR opinion and may or may not, later on, be seen in that light. That momentary decision changes the entire course of your life. Do you take the chance? For these "family men" you mention that decision would also destroy their family.objectives both immoral and illegal by any normal standards.
A very difficult question.
As a young college student I protested the Vietnam war. I was totally against war and killing. "You can draft me but you cant make me kill" I said and believed.
As a soldier I saw civilian women and children kill my friends. Shoeshine boys 7yo or so whose box is rigged with C4. Women with babies in arm laying on C4.
Then it's your turn, a woman/child/both come towards you, in my best Vietnamese: "ZOONG LYE! DI DI MAOW" (stop go away fast) and they don't. What do you do?
Several troop transports were blown up by mines buried in the roadway. We set-up an ambush in the bushes and watched. On the night of the second day, 3 figures crept up the road, stopped and began to dig and bury something in the road. We opened up and fired until all three stopped moving. At first light we moved out. Laying there was a woman and her 2 young daughters and a bag of Chinese land mines. We had known all three. They had a small stand just outside the base where they sold Cokes. Just about everyone stopped there and most paid extra for the small Cokes trying to help her out.
I do not excuse anything the Nazis did but most likely "There but for the Grace of God go I"