Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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"Lili" the "White Rose of Stalingrad"

This person should have a spot on this thread. It is my understanding that she was the top female ace of WW2


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And she's cute.

I wonder if someone did a quick physics calculation to determine if that B15 would tilt to the starboard and dump those young lassies down the slide and then catapult the last two into orbit when it rights itself.

Woulda been my first thought.

Flt Lt Kirsty Moore, RAF Red Arrows.

Our first female fighter pilot here in Denmark: Lt. Line Bonde.

Capt. Nicole Malachowski, of the 494th Fighter Squadron at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England.

Captain Ha Jeong-mi, 20th Fighter Squadron in Seosan, South Chungcheong Province, Korea.
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Oops, let's not forget the only female Spitfire pilot these days:
Caroline Grace.

Hurricane pilot Anna Walker (left) and Spitfire pilot Caroline Grace (right).

Caroline Grace.

Anna Walker.

What can I say, other than: Lucky ladies!
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Found some more, this time it's the german ladies:

Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg

Hanna Reitsch

Elli Beinhorn

Liesel Bach

Thea Rasche and her Udet Flamingo.
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