Gliders Photos

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A few more
The Bouncing Bomb test rig when they were trying different models and used in a test tank
Bouncing Bomb test rig web.jpg

An SE5a which had just finished ground running its engine
SE5a web.jpg

Nimrod Communications Officer Station
For the time it had all the toys including encrypted satellite communications. However if all went wrong it still had a Morse Code Key which you can just see at the top right hand corner of what looks like a pad by the window
Nimrod Communications Officer Station web.jpg
I like the plane too. To be honest the SE5a name sounds quite good. No need to call it with another name. ;)
Earlier in the year we went on cruise to see the Northern Lights
First the Ship which was a supply ship first and a cruise ship second, hence the small size
The Ship.jpg

The Swimming pool at an air temperature of minus 26C
Swimming Pool minus 26c.jpg

The Lights - all the shots were blurred as you need a long exposure and the ship rolls so you have to try and hand hold the camera
Northern Lights web.jpg

Avalanche Defences - there extensive but I wouldn't fancy living under this lot.
Avalanche Defences web.jpg

A Lighthouse repair / Maintenance vessel
Repairing a lighthouse web.jpg
Some Photographs of Rome taken by my son who went to see the Tennis
The Colosseum
Two panning photos one for the top of the photo and one for the bottom stitched together in Photoshop Elements
Rome Colosseum web.jpg

Tennis in Rome
Rome Tennis web.jpg

Trevi Fountain
This shot was taken out of season and you can see the crowds. In season you probably wouldn't get near it.
Trevi Fountain web.jpg
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Its going to be a long night. The farmers have started picking peas in the fields around us. It started at around 21.00 and going from before, will finish at approx. 05.00 in the morning. There are three of these harvesting machines, two tractors that scurry around emptying them and a string of lorries taking the peas from the tractors to the factory.
The air is thick with the smell of peas, its a massive difference from the outskirts of London where I used to live and I wouldn't change a thing.
Pea Picking Machinery web.jpg
Pea Picking web.jpg
A couple of new shots. First a newly hatched duckling with in front of it, a duckling starting to break the egg shell
Duck Hatching web.jpg

Second, I give you Branston, surely the most cowardly cat ever. There are three ducks that gang up on him and pin him in the corner, so when he starts to call for help we have to go and rescue him. He even let a Duckling come up and peck him on the paw.
Yellow Cat web.jpg

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