Gliders Photos

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I'm sure that I speak for all, when I say that we would love to see the photo's that you and your friend have taken over the years. Give it a go, you will find nothing but support from everyone.
Since I have outlived several other modelers/aviation nuts who also had photos I would like to add their work and collections to the forum but I don't want to cause the admiln to have to resize everything I send. Also, the subject matter is not true WW2 as the airshow stuff is not, except for the restored aircraft. One collector, who is gone, loved biplanes from the 30s He had mostly USN 8x10 B/W which he received back then from the Navy. Those of you modellers could appreciate the detail.
YC 15 - Not a good shot but an interesting subject

YC15 web.jpg


F104G web.jpg

Viking S3

S3 Viking web.jpg
I have tried to concentrate on the more unusual aircraft from todays perspective
De Haviland Buffalo
Buffalo web.jpg

Shackleton AEW
Shackleton web.jpg

MB326K used by the South African Airforce as the Impala II
In these days where there is a good case for a light strike aircraft for counter insurgency missions a modern version of this would be more than sufficient. It's worth remembering that the Alpha jet was supposed to be used in combat

MB326K web.jpg
Back in posting 11 I mentioned a memory I had of a Viggen taking off at Farnborough down wind to show how capable they were when operating away from the base. This is a very poor shot but I am posting it to show that take off, you can just see the windsock on the left. As you can expect I wasn't expecting this and had no time to prepare. I would be very surprised if they were allowed to do this these days.
Viggen amended 2 web.jpg
I have been on holiday in the Lake District which is a stunning area and will be doing a number of postings on this. We went to local village show which had an appeal of its own. There were a number of competitions which were a little outside the normal and one of the beauties of this was that it wasn't commercialised at all and had a feeling of its own.
I should add that the maximum prize was £5, so no one was taking part for the money.

Fell Running
Basically this is a cross country run. The race seven miles with one added difficulty, Fell running involves running up the mountains. In this case up the mountain you can see behind the runners and across the top then back by a different route. The climb was approx. 1,000ft and the weather turned before they finished. There were different races for each age group and even the under elevens, had a climb of about 190ft and a distance of a mile.
Fell Running web.jpg

Classic Car show Country style
Classic Car Show country style web.jpg

Only the British could have a competition for Five Potatoes. They also had things like best three Turnips, and the longest nettle
Five Potatoes web.jpg
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Some more.
Some of the competitions were taken very seriously. The Foxhound judging was serious as each hunt in the area had entered its hounds and the bragging rights for the winning hunt are significant
Fox Hounds web.jpg

Foxhound Judging web.jpg

Plus of course the sheep. These are Herdwick sheep which go back to the 12th Century and are reckoned to be one of the oldest breeds still farmed in commercial quantities. They are tough and can live outdoors all year. The colour depends on age, they start almost black and get lighter, but also on where they graze. Different fells produce slightly different colours.
Preparing to be judged
Preparing to be judged.jpg

A Thoughtful Herdwick
Thoghtful Herdwick Sheep web.jpg

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