Gnomey's Pictures

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ok, I'm jealous now. I would really love to see them planes in person. Especially the tempest. do you have any of the MK V with that sabre engine.
Been a while so here are some more from Hendon.


  • BF-109E-3 Nose.jpg
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  • BF109 G-6 Rear Side.jpg
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  • B-25 Nose.jpg
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  • B-24J Nose.jpg
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  • B-17 Nose 2.jpg
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  • Canberra Side 3.jpg
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  • Blenheim Nose.jpg
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  • Cr-42 Side 2.jpg
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  • F-4 Front Cockpit 3.jpg
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  • F-4 Rear Cockpit.jpg
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CC you'll proberly be interested to hear that the fusilage of the Fighter Collection's CR.42 has just made it back to England (the wings have been back for some months now) and after she has been assembled it's hoped she'll be back in the air in a few display seasons time..........
yup, two in fact. one (registered as G-GLAD, formerly N5903) is going pretty well, again with the Fighter Collection, like you say they'd make a great pair, and the other (registered G-CBHO, formerly N5719) is in very early stages with the Retro Track and Air, the CR.42 (registered G-CBLS) will be up before either of these Glads, and you are of course aware of the Shuttleworth Collection's immaculate airworthy Gladiator........

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