Well, the weather lately has been very nice, almost like Autumn but the downside, is no interesting weather for landscapes. So that coupled with hardly any birds around and most of the flowers are gone, leaves my camera collecting dust.
And for those that are following the story of the little kittens, I stopped by the Foster Mom's place yesterday to check up on them. Wow, how they have grown! I remember them as tiny little things that complained alot, ate alot and slept all the time. Now, they are all over the place, full of activity and getting into mischief. As soon as I came into the room, I called to them and they remembered me and came running. It was a good visit, cheered me up quite a bit.
Anyway, here's some pics of 'em, pardon the image quality (I had a point-n-shoot with me).
Here's the little girl (she was the one that gave us a scare last month):
The little boy:
And the big girl:
After playing with them for about an hour, they were ready for a nap:
So there ya' have it!