Grumman TBF-1c Avenger, Commonwealth GB

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Brigadier General
Dec 17, 2007
The back of beyond
User name: A4k
Name: Evan
Category: 2 - intermediate
Kit: Academy #1651: Grumman TBF-1 Avenger
Scale: 1:72
Subject: TBF-1c of No.30 Sqn, RNZAF (specific aircraft yet to be decided.)

Eduard PE sets 72-079, 72-244, and 72-245;
Aires undercarriage set 7001;
Falcon clearvax canopy from canopy set 1: USN WW II fighters.

In the research phase re markings, but here's the kit and accessories:

Cheers, Evan


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Wow, that's gonna be more metal than plastic!

It's been a long time since I've seen a kit with a stand supplied. I trust you'll bin that!

We're starting to get some good variety in this build. Nice choice, Evan.
More variety! Great stuff Evan. If you want to save a bit on the fiddly stuff, I discovered during research for my 48th scale Avenger, that they were never parked with flaps down. Saved me a job, as I had intended to scratch-build them.
Cheers guys!

Yep, the PE should be fun, especially as none are correct 'as are' -the TBM-3 set for example has various TBF-1 panels, and vice-versa. I'll just be using the appropriate details from each set... (research, research, rsearch...)

NFN, that'd be great mate, thanks!

Terry, thanks for that info too - I figured as much, not having found a single picture of one parked with the flaps lowered. Bomb bay doors opened and maybe a bomb trolley underneath should look the part though atleast...
(Btw, I'll be using your Avenger thread a s a reference too :) )
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No probs mate. If you need more info, just shout - I've probably got most stuff still logged somewhere. Little difference in TBM / TBF, apart from factory, series, etc., mostly internal colours / fittings.
Hi Evan

look forward to your build, as I am also building
an RNZAF TBF-1c albeit larger scale (though to far advanced for this group build me thinks)

I have some info on RNZAF TBF's including some photos of a 1:1
scale under restoration at MOTAT

PM me if you have any questions or post on here (I hopefully can help you with)


Terry and Alan, thanks! I'll take yas up on that as she progresses -she's only 1:72, but I want her to be CORRECT!

Btw Alan, go for it mate - stick her in the build! Be great to see how she turns out!
Hi Evan

This is a walk around of an RNZAF TBF-1 (same as in
my photo (pre MOTAT)) scroll down for lots
of info


This should be of help also

Interior colours for TBF1

Cowling/Engine compartment: Grumman Grey

Cockpit from forward bulkhead behind Intrument panel
to rear of cockpit (demarcation line at point where
turret starts) Bronze Green

Rest of Aircraft (turret interior/ rear crew compartment/
bomb bay) Interior Green

Night Fighter Nut- Just a note, I'm not trying to out do you :)

Hope that helps

Night Fighter Nut- Just a note, I'm not trying to out do you :)

Not to worry. I never follow the one upmanship thing. Most important is we work together and have fun doing it. :)

One note. When I saw the plane at the airshow. There was an oil sheen coming from the joints around the engine. I was told that it was normal. :)
That's great info guys - thanks a million!

Alan, I would agree with the comment that 'NZ2527' is probably not the true identity of MoTaT's bird. She's definitely a TBF-1, of which we had six: NZ2501-2506. NZ2504 is now on display at the RNZAF museum (as TBF-1c NZ2521), and NZ2505 is being restored in Gisbourne (according to Philip Treweek's site), so that makes her either NZ2501,-02,-03, or -06...

Regarding the kit - I could cry. I don't know how many times I've suffered from failing to learn this lesson: It's generally NOT worth skimping on money and buying a kit 'cos it's cheaper, much better to save and get a GOOD one...
The Academy Avenger has some real accuracy issues, not just a few minor details, but of the 'chop it up and rebuild/ reshape the whole thing' category...

To be blunt, I don't have the time (or patience) to correct this thing at the moment, so if ya's don't mind, will put this project on the back-burner for now, and choose another subject for this group build. Thanks to all for the help so far though, I will use this information in the future.

The question remains: what to do instead? Thinking maybe a C-47A or Sunderland Mk.III transporter - what d'ya's reckon??

Cheers again,

Both of those sound good Evan, especially the Sunderland. As you know, I don't normally 'do' 1/72nd scale, but I've wanted to do a Sunderland for a long time. Last one was back in about 1965 I think !!

An RNZAF Mk III transport would be nice, in looking at the group
build, I had comtemplated doing a Mk III, but I'll stick
with the TBF-1C I think.

I do have a Mk III Sunderland on the go that belonged to
270 squadron RAF, but flown by members (seconded) of 490 (NZ) squadron
from West Africa circa 1944

If you want build an accurate RNZAF Sunderland (apart from the
obvious porthole changes) see my build link (still WIP)

Airfix Short Sunderland Mk III -(By Request) -


Alan, that is one stunning build...thanks for sharing!

I have 2 Sunderlands myself, one to be an RNZAF Mk.III transporter, the other a later MR.5 (Brought on charge too late to fit in with this build description) ...Sunderland Mk.III it is then!

In that vein, anyone have any info on the reconfigured interior?

(Btw, look forward to seeing your TBF-1c build Alan!)

Cheers, Evan

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