Russian is very simmiliar to Czech with some words.
Med (honey) + věd (knower ((eg. a noun Věda means Science in CZ)) ) = Medvěd (bear)
So the "ya" there probably means a plural of two and more Medved(s) and the noun is picked up wrongly, because it is not a noun obviously but a noun in another case form.
Where did you pick it up, Med?
And Marconi is right... Kakat means "to pooh" in the kids speech...
So Kaka Medvedya would be "To shit out a bear"...
Or "A bear who makes a lot of shit"
Other words:
Orel = Eagle (in German: Adler)
Nonskimmer = zásadový člověk (principal man)
Glider = Kluzák (Airslider)
Cheddar Cheese = Niva