H.S. Buccaneer S2B, 12 Sqn., RAF, Lossiemouth, Scotland, 1985, Group Build.

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Thanks for the kind words Glenn and Cory, I really appreciate it.
I'm determined this bas....nice kit, will not beat me ! 'Utrinque Paratus' !!!
Well, she is now all rubbed down and masked up, ready for spraying the first paint. I hope to get this done tomorrow, then continue with the fiddly bits whilst the paint is curing fully. The Dark Sea Grey will be sprayed overall, and, when fully hardened, the disruptive 'wrap around' Dark Green will be free-hand sprayed.
I'm starting to become enthusiastic and fairly pleased, now that the hard graft is out of the way, and most of the bits and pieces, such as the landing gear, are already assembled and part - painted. I'm juggling with the weapons load at the moment, and have found a pair of Radar Martel missiles, left over from the Harrier kit. I'm not sure yet whether to fit these, plus the AN/ALQ 101 ECM pod and one empty pylon, or go the whole hog, and fit these, plus a scratch-built aqquisition pod and a TV Martel, converted from one of the kit's Sea Eagles. I'll have to see how the TV missile and pod turn out, before deciding on the load.
I'll post some piucs when there's something to see, which should be tomorrow night. Thanks again for yourt interest and encouragement.
Thanks guys. The overall Dark Sea Grey base coat has been applied, and so far, looks OK. Soon as it's totally dry, the camouflage pattern will be marked out in pencil, and the Dark Green will be sprayed free-hand.
Things are looking promising for making the acquisition pod and converting a Sea Eagle into a TV Martel, and I should have some pics later tonight.
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Here you go, this is where I'm up to so far, plus there are some smaller sub-assemblies done, ready for painting. Meanwhile, work has started on the weapons load, which will be two AS37 Radar Martel missiles, one AJ168 TV Martel, and the data acquisition pod, the latter being adapted from a later version used on the Tornado GR1 I found in the Airfix Tornado F3 kit.
PIC 1. The Dark Sea Grey has been sprayed overall, and the 'wrap around' camouflage pattern marked out in pencil, ready for spraying free-hand. The pencil marking took over 90 minutes to complete !
PIC 2. The Bucanneer is a big aircraft, as big as a B26, and this comparison with a 1/48th scale P51 shows the bulk of the thing - even without wings !
PIC 3. A comparison of the Radar Martel (top), and the Sea Eagle (minus wings) as provided in the kit. The Martel was sourced from the spares box, having been included in the Harrier GR3 kit built recently, presumably intended for the Sea Harrier. The Sea Eagle replaced the Martels in service from around 1988, and is a jet-turbine powered missile. The intention is to convert one of these back, to represent the TV Martel, which is slightly shorter, and has a video camera mounted in a transparent nose cone.
PIC 4. What the real TV Martel looks like, this one alongside a Buc at Duxford.
PICS 5 and 6. Work underway improving the Radar Martel. Some detail has been added by part-drilling along the fuselage spines, the wings are in the process of being thinned, and the tail has been opened up and chamfered, with a rocket exhaust added from plastic tube.
Hopefully, I should get the Dark Green sprayed tomorrow, and I'll post some more pics then.
Thanks again for your interest.


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Still can't believe its the same plane Terry! Looks fantastic. I like your method if marking out the camo lines with pencil, I had never thought of that. Whenever I free hand camo I'm always looking back and fourth to the plans or a source pic. I'll have to remember that one, it should make it much easier.

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