HE 162

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Dec 21, 2009
The henikle 162 was the best plane of world war 2 with out a dought. It was better than the P 51, ME 262, AND THE SPIT FIRE
What i stay up all night reashing.I am only twelve and i know more about world war 2 aviation than u
I really got cocked up when I messed with big E ~
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Dear experten,

As if you've guys ever flown in a P51 ME262 spitfire.... you also have all your information from books, Friends...

relatives and here say!

All the best
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Some advice to our young friend. NEVER NEVER NEVER trust your Playstation or I-box or whatever computer game you got your info from. Historical fact has it that NO He 162 ever crossed paths with any Allied aircraft ----- by the time Heinkel had all the bugs sorted out there were no trained pilots or any fuel left to fly it. An He 162A-2 of II Gruppe, Jagdgeshwader I is in storage at RAF St Athan --- maybe they'll let you fly it.

I remember reading in the last week of the war one got into combat ? Not sure of the outcome
The He 162 finally saw combat in mid-April. On 19 April, a captured Royal Air Force fighter pilot informed his German interrogators that he had been shot down by a jet fighter matching the description of the He 162. The Heinkel and its pilot were lost as well, shot down by an RAF Hawker Tempest while on approach. Though still in training, I./JG 1 had scored a number of kills beginning in mid-April, but had also lost 13 He 162s and 10 pilots. 10 of the aircraft were operational losses, caused by flameouts and sporadic structural failures. Only two of the 13 aircraft were actually shot down. The He 162's 30-minute fuel capacity also caused problems, as at least two of JG 1's pilots were killed attempting emergency landings after exhausting their fuel.

From Wiki (not a reliable source but feel free to correct me )

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