Helicopter trip!

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
Hey guys,

My parents told me at Atlantic City (Again, I know) we could each do one thing. My choice was a helicopter trip since I saw it last time we were here. It wasn't super long but long enough for me to get off the ground since I haven't flown in a while. I took only a few pictures because the camera died but the one of the 2 people is my older brother (15) who just got out of the hospital from surgery and the pilot. So here are a few pictures.


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Nice ones H, sounds though you're having loads of fun and how did you find the ride, I remember them being a bit bumpy and noisy, but then I was in military Wessex on a mission with no luxuries like seats............
Did that once in a Bell 47 in the Ozarks when I was about your age. Still have VERY vivid memories of that fun experience. Got a 1/48 model sitting on the shelf, might have to pull that out.

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