Hobbycraft 1/48 P-40F/L Checkertail

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I've been using a point and shoot for too long and will have to learn Depth of Field with my SLR. Well, it's off to the mines. Decals next week.

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Ahoy Fubar
Hardy well done when you get that checkered tail completed on the old P-40 it will fill the bill, good job sir love to see the finished product Keep her going.

Thanks guys...a few pictures before I go to P.G. for the day. Even though I have built Hobbycraft models before, this is the first time that I have found their decals useable. I tackled a couple of tail decals first as this would determine whether or not this scheme would continue. I've used Mr Mark Setter and Softer and I'm very happy with the results. The decals are very tough and conform well.(still leery about the fuselage flash as the decals aren't marked and they are slightly different as are the tail decals.) On to the wing. Aaaaaaaargh, what the heck is that white crap? Tried removing it with a damp cloth and it wouldn't budge. Added some more Mr Mark Setter and voila. A bit of touching up to do and the rest of the decals on when I get home tonight.

Geo what was the clear?acrylic floor wax?looks like it was.I have seen were usually 24-48 hrs is enough dry time.
Thanks Aaron. It is Future Javlin and has had 6 days to cure. I wasn't sure of the cure time for it so thanks for the heads up. I think it must have been a reaction between the decal adherent and Mr Mark. Just got back after 8 hours in Prince George and will try get pictures of the rest of the decals later.

Stars and checkers are on. A little nervy with the checkers at first because it would have meant doing them by hand if anything screwed up but they went on great despite a lot of movement getting them to line up. "But George", you say, "where are the nose flashes? There must be a funny story there". NO!!! The geniuses at Hobbycraft/AMT designed the model so that the exhausts were installed early in the build and the flashes were fitted over them. The decals have no numbers and the difference between the two sides are slight. The first one held up very well despite being moved from one side to the other. When I finally figured out how the front was supposed to wrap around the nose, the inevitable happened and it ripped. I was kinda, sorta expecting this to happen so I'm going to let the rest of the decals dry and start to mask the front.


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