Hobbycraft Dornier Do-17Z 5K+EA BoB GB

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With all here Harry. Looking very good. I would like to remind you only that it is easier to remove the masking tape when soaked with warm water.
Picture later hopefully

I'm cheating, using micro mask to do this as I don't have the attention span right now. Will do multiple coats of it to ensure its on well enough to paint.
Patience is a must in modelling H - no patience = a messed up model. Regarding the vac formed canopy - you'll find that acrylic paints will not adhere very well, if at all, to vac formed parts, as they don't have the 'keying' qualities of enamels, or the covering power for brush application. They're fine for spraying, but absolute cr@p for brushing, without having a much less than perfect finish.
First, mask the canopy, using tape at least for the frame edges, as masking fluids will not give a sharply defined edge, and can, and will 'shrink back' as it dries. Once masked, if you have to use acrylics, then give the areas to be painted a primer coat, using enamels and let this thoroughly dry before applying the colour(s).
Alternatively, and this might prove easier overall, make the frames using painted strips of clear 'Sellotape' ('Scotch' tape I think, in the USA), laid into place and carefully rubbed down. If required, these can be sealed with a clear coat, and touched in, when dry and set, with a matt clear coat.
Actually I like that Idea, mask the edges then fill in with the masking fluid, back to the model !
Slowly and steadily...back window is rounded so Im gonna use the liquid to fix that



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Guys I have a bit of an issue

Every single window back the aft two (with the machine gun mounts) are masked, I'm confused on how to mask those the pattern on the window is really confusing
This is the clearest photo I could find B-17. I've got a couple of books to look through.


From the inside

EDIT:Added extra photo

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