BoB GB Guidelines.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Here's the basic guidelines for the forthcoming Battle of Britain Group Build, which starts in a little over two weeks from now. My, how time flies!
For your convenience it's in a PDF and, as usual, if you have any questions, please contact myself or one of the other judges. For those entering who are new to the forum's Group Builds, please read the GB Rules, and the photographic requirements, posted elsewhere in this section.
Just as a reminder, there is an 'overlap' between GBs, with the current 'Cold War' GB ending on August 31st.
The BoB GB commences on Sunday, August 1st, and finishes on Tuesday, November 30th.


  • Microsoft Word - BoB GB Guidelines.pdf
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Been waiting for this one! I have a Hurricane but I'm not well versed with RAF or have many colors. I think I have a 1/48 Emil - and of course theres that 1/24 Emil I have waiting.....hmmmmmm.
No problem H. I can help with the Gladiator if you decide on that, and of course there's lots of info on the Spit !
Chris, let me know if you want anything specific on the Hurricane, and the others too. I will be including some info, as mentioned in the guidelines, in the 'Bits Box', and the Hurricane and Spit squadrons are already listed there, along with their squadron codes. I'll be doing the same for the Luftwaffe aircraft too.
I to have been hanging out for this one. My selection is the not much liked and was proven to be a useless fighter that as far as I know only had the one successes during the BoB, it has also been a disputed topic of conversation on this forum............The Blackburn Roc.

I also may add a Spitfire Mk II in 65 Sqn markings, this is a former part built kit picked up a couple of weeks ago, now disassembled it is unfortunately part painted, this I would love to remove, but to date have had no success.
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i think this is the most anticipated group build yet !
thanks for the guide Dogsbody, going to enter a Hurricane of 242 Sqdn flown by P/O W McKnight and a Bf 109 of JG2 flown by Helmut Wick, once i check my refs !!!
Oh, it won't be Terry. Time permitting I plan to enter He 111H in 1/72.
Have to admit though, Bf 109E is my second choice.
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No harm in more than one of the same !
Chris, let me know if you need anything on the Polish Squadrons, I've got some bits and pieces. Back in 1992, I stayed in a hotel in southern England, which was packed with pictures, photographs, models etc, of mainly RAF subjects, with an emphasis on the Polish squadrons. Got talking to the owner, who's father, since passed, had started the hotel, and had been a Hurricane pilot in the BoB. Fascinating to talk to him.
Have a few 1/48 '13's that I can do for this one....

Heinz Bar, I./JG51, Bf 109E-3, W. Nr. 3714, White 13....
?, III./JG54, Bf 109E-3, W. Nr. 3576, White 13.... (possibly)
?, II./JG26, Bf 109E-1, W. Nr. ?, Red 13....
?, 9./JG54, Bf 109E-4, W. Nr. ?, Yellow 13....
Helmut Tiedmann, II./JG3, W. Nr. ?, Black 13....

And a Spitfire Mk.I from No. 74 Squadron me think....
You also have....

Lt. Walter Blume 7./JG 26 Weiss 13 POW on 18/8/40
Oblt. Gustav 'Mickey' Sprick 8./JG 26 Bf 109E-3 Schwarz 13
Oblt. Erwin Daig 5./JG 27 Bf 109E-1 Schwarz 13
Fw. Walter Scholz 5./JG 53 Bf 109E-4 W.Nr. 1325 Gelb 13 POW 30/9/40
Gefr. Karl Raisinger 3./JG 77 Bf 109E-3 Rot 13 POW 25/10/40

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