Yikes! We had one yesterday at Camarillo. We had a flight of 2 go out (T-34 and a T-6). Just after takeoff, the T-6 was crossing under the T-34 and he said he saw it coming. The T-6 pilot said he saw what looked like a football zom by him and a cloud of feathers. He backed out of the throttle because he didn't know where the bird hit the T-34. It was completely unknown to us on the ground until they landed. Whatever he hit was big, and it looks like he chopped it in 2 with his prop. They were pretty lucky, it could have been bad.
Below are pics of the front of the prop blade, back of it (Notice the scuffs on the back of the blade) and the leading edge of the horizontal stab. A lot of little bits and pieces all over the airplane.