Ju 88 A5 1:32

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Nice job Mr.G.! I hope to start on mine straight after the current Group Build. It's got to be all done, on the diorama, and packed for travel before I go to Slavicin again in August, so, with other builds along the way too, I'd better get started!
You've done a nice job there Guttorm,including recovering from your little accident. I'm about half way through one of these and it has turned into a long build. The detail on the model is excellent but I'm not a huge fan of the way it is engineered,definitely not a shake 'n bake. Also had a few bad mouldings. Still a challenge does us all good. I hope I can get mine out looking as good as yours, even if I don't have the ultimate reference at my disposal,you lucky so and so!
thanks for the comments
and good luck with your 88`s..and you all know that if you need help with details i am here

just some more shoots from the 88 A5 werknumber 6146..just need the last decals on fuselage ( code..getting those made )

also a little neat detail..the ailron on the right wing was from another 88 and not painted black.. ( on the original ) so i incorperated that in my model also


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another detail worth notecing ( this should eb on all 88`sw ith divebreaks )
its hould have the belakencross on both sides..and its much easier to airbrush on that using the decals in the kit

also note that the winglight on german bombers and fighers like the 110 has a yellow plexiglass )
this i can document if anybody is in doubt with oruginal landinglights from Ju 52, Ju 88. Bf 110 ( they are ALL yellow ) and not turned yellow by age ( like tha glass on the Ju 52 ( not plexiglass but Glass..its yellow )

i also tried to make some of the spintcammo "shine" thru on the right wing"

and Jan..get that 88 cranking


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That's looking great Mr.G. You must have as many JU88 models now, as there are real aircraft in your museum!
That's very interesting information about the yellow lens on the landing lights, thanks! I'll have to change my JU88A5 and Bf110G4 lamps now, which won't be a problem. What would we do without all these useful insights from you??!!

i am glad i can help trying to locate some of the pics i have of the yellow lenses but cant find them..i ahve something like 30 000 pics from the restoration and different parts..so they are somewhere.. or i will take some new ones

but using tamiyas clear yellow is a perfect match from the original and perfect for the winglights "windows"

go for it..look into my eyes..you see 88`s..8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

and those would be sweet models
Yes Master, an 88 will be my next model Master, and the one after, and the one after that, for we are your slaves!
Unless Paul has his way, and there's a clutch of bl**dy '110's !!!
Yes Master, an 88 will be my next model Master, and the one after, and the one after that, for we are your slaves!
Unless Paul has his way, and there's a clutch of bl**dy '110's !!!

and he saw that it was good and very happy smiling here now

and what is this one one zero stuff ?? digital things ?? 1101011000011100101100 ?
only thing counting is 88 and if it should contain the number one it must be the future 111`s


sorry paul..had to..hehe

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