Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Once the festivities were over with I got back to moving things on a bit.
Pictures 1 2: Some 'abrasion' work, using a micro mesh pad VERY lightly, to give more variation to the weathering.
Picture 3: Wheels and struts ready to go on - just want to check I get the angle of the wheels right so they sit on the flat spots - so they'll go on later.
Picture 4: The repair on the flap - top left. Some touching up left to do.
Pictures 5,6,7 8: Decal pics. The decals are all now on. But I managed to mess up the starboard fuselage decal. Luckily Monsieur Wayne Little has saved the day and is sending me a spare; fantastique...mon sauveur, merci beaucoup.
Small Pictures 9,10,11,12 13: Various shots of the fuselage, engine and cowling.
Pictures 14 15: Underside decals on - which went on more cleanly than the topside set for some reason.
Small Pictures 16 17: Propeller front and back - now a much better colour and with much better yellow bands - just needs some touching up.
Small Pictures 18 19: The gun sight, ready to go in place. And the canopy, dipped in Klear and drying before I mask it. (I didn't have a mask set otherwise it would have gone on earlier.)
Any comments welcome - as this is my first go at a Japanese plane and the weathering technique.