KI 61 Hien Hasegawa 1/32

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Airman 1st Class
Aug 29, 2009
Vila Real
The model

The instruction sheet that says the model is black and natural metal.

Well, still undecided.
They sent me this picture and these plans.

Is it or is not black. Apparently he was appointed to the defense of Tokyo. Just in case I ask for a sheet of decals and a Eduard PE with seat bels and the Eduard mask. I'm waiting to arrive.

Meanwhile I started construction. I painted the interiors in brown (RLM 79).

Your Ki-61 should be in a Very Dark Green or Black-Green or a Dark Green, to my knowledge NO Japanese aircraft were painted BLACK, this is simply a wrong interpretation of B/W images.
I said before in a different thread that I really like your subtle shading style and would lkike to know how you do it.

Can you share this info?
I only use Tamiya paints. I had to do a lot of mixtures. In this case I used RLM 79 (XF-64: 3 XF-59: 7 XF-03: 1) Taking advantage of the mixture joined a few drops of XF-3 to light and a few drops of XF-64 to darken. These two very dilute mixtures.

After I painted a wash with bitumen of Judea. Then, and as I still have some Tamiya enamel colors, dry brush. I do not like to dry brush with acrylics.

In this case I used RLM 66. The procedure was the same but I added black and white.

Bitumen of Judea is a dark brown liquid which was formerly used to look like an old woods. Today it is used to give patinas. It can be seen in religious images.
I think that the Winsor Newton is in the range of its products and Vallejo has also jars with Bitumen of Judea.

Thanks for the info. So, let's see if I got this right:

You have 3 colours. One is the overall tone, one is slightly lighter and one is slightly darker. Paint the overall tone first, then do the wash (bitumen of Judea), then dry brush the darker tone in the shaded areas, then drybrush the highlights.

Is that correct?

First paint the color of the model.

Second paint with the lightest color at the center of the panels.
Third, the panel lines with a darker color.
After a wash with Bitumen of Judea and end dry brush.

Fuselage is almost the same.

First paint the color of the model.

Second paint with the lightest color at the center of the panels.

Third, the panel lines with a darker color.

Then a coat of Future, decals, another coat of Future and a wash with Bitumen of Judea.

Clean excess with a cloth soaked in "Water Spirit" and at the end a coat of matt varnish (still missing) .

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