Jul 5, 2010 #41 T Bolt Colonel 13,829 3,745 Mar 24, 2010 Chicago, Illinois Just imagine how big it would be in 1/35th scale!
Jul 5, 2010 #42 B-17engineer Colonel 14,949 65 Dec 9, 2007 Revis Island. That'd be pretty frickin cool though
Jul 5, 2010 #43 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,262 12,946 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK So would the jet-powered T55 version !!
Jul 6, 2010 #44 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,685 28,289 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Knowing the good ol' Russians......Turboprop old boy, Turboprop and contrarotating!
Jul 6, 2010 #45 tango35 Airman 1st Class 222 28 May 1, 2005 Hannover Region Hey folks, that with the Hs 129 was a joke, of course i read the whole title. Here my vehicle for the GB : Academy 1/35 Tiger Early Markings of the 2nd XX Division : Thomas
Hey folks, that with the Hs 129 was a joke, of course i read the whole title. Here my vehicle for the GB : Academy 1/35 Tiger Early Markings of the 2nd XX Division : Thomas
Jul 6, 2010 #46 Airframes Benevolens Magister 63,262 12,946 Aug 24, 2008 Cheshire, UK Nice choice, and a nice kit I believe.
Jul 6, 2010 #47 Wayne Little Moderator Staff Mod 64,611 6,956 Oct 7, 2006 Adelaide Sth. Aust. That will do nicely Thomas!