Kyusyu J7W1 "Shinden" CGI Project

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I find not a few unfavorable fitting of parts from the first step. This will be the 千里の道も一歩から(senri no michi mo ippo kara = a thousand miles road starts from the first one step). Thanks.

Looked good but -
Are those spring tabs at trailing edge of the Shinden's flaps? This would give it better high-speed maneuvering. That explains why it has good high-speed maneuvering in War Thunder ;)
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Thanks every one for kind comments. Here is my story for this model.
In 2004 when I began 3D modelling, I came across an excellent work of the J7W1 by Muneo Hosaka who was then one of the most famous CGI creators in Japan. As I had a set of 3-view drawings by Minoru Matsuba which I introduced in the previous page, I asked my friend who was also then a CAD operator to trace lines for me but he had given up as the lines were too much detailed and looked complicated.
Yes, I am thinking the production type of J7W1 as this is my first challenge of the model in 18 years.

J7W1 by Muneo Hosaka

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