Marcel's photo's

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Yup, it's hard to imagine now, But life did go on for a majority of people in occupied countries. So some things, especially those not having anything to do with the war itself were business as usual.

Here a picture of the excavation in 1943:
Excellent shots, looks like it was a fairly large structure in it's prime.

It was a major castle, yes. And a fine example of a 'lowland' castle, a castle not protected by standing on a height.

Below a digital reconstruction of the old castle and the still existing sturcture is indicated by a darker shade.
Don't know about that :) BTW, near the white building on the right of the plant, there is a WW2 crashsite. Aparently a small aircraft (fighter?) crashed there somewhere and is still in ground , about 4 meters under the surface. It's never been identified.
Bourtange, a 'vestingsdorp'. It's a vilage turned into a fort, 16th century.

The entrance bridge for the inner citadel.

Two pics of the very unique windmill. It's standing on a standard, which is quite unique here.


The soldiers toilet. The had to do their dump through a hole in this little building. Needless to say also other things fell out. You'll find coins and other stuff if you dive there under the building. Most has been saved already though.

One of the many guns. They can still shoot and the local garrison does that to amuse tourists every summer.

ANother picture of the bridge.
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Nice shots Marcel, it's a wonder no one has dug that plane up to see what it is.

Well it's on private property. My company owns it and they don't want to make a hole in a very profitable piece of land. I however have tried to let them think otherwise, but it was in vain. Still would like to borrow a spade and start digging. We only need a small hole to know what it is. We've identified the right spod with groundradar, so we know exactly where to dig.

btw, does the forum have problems? Everytime I see this page, some pictures are missing, on the iPad different ones then on this laptop.

Oh and I wanted to show this: in the small vilage ther is an old synagoge. The plaque on the outside speaks for itself. This is for all those pricks on the internet saying that Hitler just wanted to have peace. (not pointed at anyone here on this forum that I kow, though)
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