Me262A-1/U4, 1/48 Dragon

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Your comments are always constructive and motivating. Thanks George and Wojtek

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Some good reference photos there.
As for a cushion in the seat 'pan', ground crew often used a cushion, or sometimes a rolled up canopy cover, so that they could taxi the aircraft, without being too low in the seat and not be able to see out. In normal operation, the seat 'pan' would be empty, to accommodate the seat-type parachute.
On aircraft where a back-pack 'chute was used, such as the FW-190, the seat back was dished also, and either a cushion, or dinghy pack clipped to the parachute harness, would occupy the seat 'pan'.
Wow Terry !!
Your comment and teaching opens my eyes to know that I never imagined.
In my next projects it will be easier to identify and remember the today class in the field of seats, parachutes, cushions and ground staff.

I can now say that my first Me262 will be addressed by ground crew ; ... You're all an "open book" ... with the great friends of the forum, I have an encyclopedia !!

These comments enrich the value of the desk and is information that is worth gold to me and several other colleagues.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and experience.
Luis Carlos
How are dear friends; thanks for your visits, I send cordial greetings.

It is quite detailed work and I plan to make it easy and best.

It's time to work the wings, so I made the cuts in the wing where will the naked turbine; I joined the wings and worked with some putty in the notorious unions ... later we will see how they are being ...

... With a little accident, when setting with a rubber band back wall with ammunition box ... then I'll join ...

Another part that for the first time I used this simple technique to slightly widen the turbine to minimize the trench to unite it with the wing.

... Now I had to get other "hands" to try to improve these little pieces ... I was a little complicated, slow and a good test for my patience and pulse!
I liked the break ... and it was fun and entertaining!

I hope I have not complicated to get into these details ...

but based on this picture, I decided to improve the appearance of these hydraulic cable ... ...!!

I cut those tiny plastic extensions to make the holes where I will put wires to make better resemblance to the real appearance.

Once made the holes, apply the metallized Duraluminum ALCLAD II ...

I let the paint dry enough not to risk what I intend to do .... !!

So here I share this advance, I look forward to your comments and feedback.

Gracias por sus amables comentarios y "hasta la vista Baby"

Luis Carlos
Thank you for your praise "estimados Andy, Wojtek, rochie y Terry"

... I wish I had more time ... so the little I have I really enjoy learning from your knowledge and share what I put into practice.

Gracias por todo y pronto continúo

Luis Carlos
I salute again be waiting enjoying what they do.

It is still a very pleasant experience how did I get into this detailed !! But the truth is that several of his works are very inspiring; ... And like many of you, we are in this world to do things right and better ... and when you enjoy and share ... priceless !!

Later I will add to the office the front panel with its sights ...
What do you think?

Caught my attention the size of the weapons bay and the size of the 50 caliber bullets putting it next to the cabin and observe the proportion !!

The walls of the landing gear, weapons bay and the landing gear moat have a very dilute mixture of Humbrol colors (19, 24matt, 33matt, 48 and 113) with 80% of Humbrol thinner. What gave me the brown tone of some sections that I have as a reference from the real picture of post # 66.

Then apply a wash with oil paintings
... (In the photos are not very sharper tones due to the lighting )

Use the same process on the sides ....8)

Well, this is another step and the image is an overview of the achievements so far ...

I hope you enjoy it and remain attentive to your comments.

Un fuerte abrazo donde quiera que se encuentren

Luis Carlos
Thank you very much for your comments and batons my dear Andy, Terry, Wojtek, Chris, Huge and Geo.

The last two weeks I had a lot of work and out of the city . Also making preparations for my first foray to the National Convention of Static Modeling (IPMS MEXICO), which took place last weekend.

For the first time I enter a contest (I enrolled two of my aircrafts ), indeed, he had never been to an exhibition of modeling .

I love to share with you and the forum colleagues the photographs and the pleasant surprise that I took with my models. But I want to do at the right sub-forum.
Can anyone tell me where?

Receive a big hug and soon will resume my work with the Turbo-German !!

Saludos cordiales amigos

Luis Carlos

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