Me262A-1/U4, 1/48 Dragon

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Thank you Augsburg Eagle

Andy, It's an intresting video!! I never imagined it turned on that way the turbine.
Once again, thank you very much.

Now come several days of hard work and start some compromises year-end; I hope to BE ABLE devote more time to my bird-turbo.

Seguimos en contacto amigos! !!

Luis Carlos
My dear dear friends of this great forum, from late November not upload any comment.
First of all, I want to wish each of you and your families an excellent year 2016, full of health, love, blessings and opportunities for further growth as people in all aspects; and yes, with many modeling projects and keep learning from each other.

I begin to color the front landing gear and turbine.

With this pair of images I stand in 2016 and I hope this allows me finish my two current projects and start others that are already lining up.

Their helpful hints and comments are always welcome.

Saludos a todos con mucho cariño

Luis Carlos
Thank you for your comments Andy, Kevin and Wojtek.
David thank you for the welcome and comment. I missed get back to action.

The new image and new server Forum looks very beautiful and more efficient; It will only be a matter of following acquainted with all its benefits.

The progress that I share corresponds to the way I finished the last details of wiring in the central cylinder of the main landing gear pit.

I gave yellow according to reference photos and took the opportunity to touch up the other cables inside.

Also the front panel installed inside the cabin. (lacking only place the gunsight, but being a small and delicate piece, put in place near the end)
A few pictures ...

Tomorrow I hope to start joining the fuselage and continue the turbine.

Un abrazo dónde quiera que se encuentren
See you soon!!
Thank you for your blandishments friends.
I am happy to greet George, Terry, Jim, Huge & Kevin now in this promising 2016 !!

By the way...

You're kill'in me Luis whats the wash you are using looks very real but subtle?

To wash it, I used oil paints on a mixture of burnt umber, asphalt, burnt sienna and a minimum of black very diluted with spirit solvent.

At the moment I'm testing the assembled of the fuselage, considering that there is very little space to put weight on the nose and I'm struggling a little to achieve a union accurate. Tomorrow I share some photos of small setbacks with whom I have encountered.
Good night and have a great weekend.

Luis Carlos
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Hello colleagues and friends.
At the time I could devote to this fuselage assembly process, I've had some setbacks that make interesting overcome impatience and having to take it easy if I really want to make the best and learning from this.

I show some pictures with what I found ...

The windshield is slightly short of the fuselage. I have to apply putty and work carefully ...

There is very little space to put weight on the nose and achieve a proper balance of the plane landed on its wheels.

I could use the back, but I think it would be very at the center ...!

By joining the fuselage forces a little pin and the box of weapons is misaligned.

Placing the 50mm cannon. It looks great side view.

... But seeing it from above ...

... Definitely something I have to do to correct it.

To be continued...
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A few months ago I bought new tires for my car and asked to commissioned to give me the lead parts used in the swinging of each tire.
So I came myself to cut tiny pieces ...

To embed Blue Tak (that I get here in Mexico is not blue, but white of the Pritt brand) in the small space I have.

To finish with the "cherry on the cake" ... (for more care than I put...) broke the base of the landing gear !!!

... So I was like what I saw ... !!!

So I keep practicing my techniques to remedy accidents!

As I have the small and delicate cushion attached to the leg and the base of the pit, I decided to give a fine cut near the base to detach the two pieces together, take advantage to work easier in assembling, sanding, masking and painting; and to then return the piece to its place reinforced with "a soul wire" in the middle joints. [-o<

Welcome suggestions, recommendations or any prayer to these developments.

We will work to deliver these obstacles in the best way ... !!

Gracias por su apoyo y hasta pronto!!

Luis Carlos

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