Me262A-1/U4, 1/48 Dragon

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Coming together nicely and you're doing plenty of dry fits to plan ahead. Hope the weights will be enough.
Thank you for your interest and comment Andy. I experimented by placing it on a pencil and apparently enough weight. I hope I'm right.
Coming along nicely. Picked up a handful of those weights myself.

Also I have a handful of leads, so we are well supplied.

Thanks for your visits; You know that any questions or comments, I am at your service.

Well, with a suitable saw cut leg front landing gear, but I did not save the small tube damper . I'll have another surgery for later ...

To join the two parts of the fuselage, I had to do a lot of pressure at the front to achieve a rigid connection. I used Tamiya Cement white cap is a little viscous and help me achieve the kind of results I want.

In fact I first joined the front and the next day the back.

Avail myself to assemble PE pieces to the floodgates, apply a first coat of PRIMER, so 24 hours after I applied the color that corresponds to them.

So I also put the left engine on the wing ...

...I'll be back in a moment!
Now I'm back ...

That was the turbine on the wing. There are some notable gaps that I can attend once it is perfectly dry.

Using a jeweler's file and sandpaper after I managed to remove the scar and only used some CA to fill small details ...

With this overview of my workspace, I leave and upload more progress soon.

Un abrazo

Luis Carlos
Thanks guys for your comments and views.
Let me tell you this:
I found myself immersed in a period of much detail, filling gaps with filaments of the same branches and others with cyanoacrylate ( CA ); sanding, polishing, checking and repeating the sequence more than once. (I've learned so many great modelers from this and other forums with so many jobs and so wonderful skills) =D>

I'm surprised the level of demand and perfectionism that I have imposed (never would have imagined in this hobby ) I enjoy it when I have the time to spend with my planes working, ...and when I am stuck in a mishap or concerns, I stop and return later or on another day while thinking how to solve it.
In this sequence I rebuilt the first panels, corrected the way it must be the two caps against the windshield, as well as one that is not detailed in the kit and brings the real plane in the back "hump" cabin.

All landing gear doors were left finished from the inside.
The color used was Tamiya AS-18, I made some clear with white oil paint, sealed with gloss varnish and once dried I gave a wash also with oils.

Soon I will more time with detailed panels and rivets in the fuselage and wings; I will put the cabin in place; I will place the wings on the fuselage ... and see what happens ...

Es todo por ahora, espero les guste y nuevamente gracias por seguirme.
How about is going the practice of their Spanish?


Luis Carlos
Hi there

How are my friends from plastic? I hope you all are well, enjoying what they do.
They have been weeks of work and commitments and a well deserved holiday seizing an opportunity!

Although little time has been devoted to my project, I share the progress ...
It was the left engine attached to the wings and I could see some slots will need composure.

Remember you who I had to cut leg front landing gear? (# 139 & # 147)
Well, I think now I should make the best possible union of the two parts of the fuselage, it is best that could happen to me. Everything is assimilated experience and I think it was not the best decision on this occasion to assemble the leg at that stage of the process.
In the picture we can see how was the base where will rest the cushion leg. (And yes, this better facilitate my work)

Lets work on improving the appearance of such unions !! ...

With this panoramic I leave, not without first thanking you for your visits and kind comments.

Please do not hesitate to externalize any questions, suggestions or support; They will always be well received ...

" Hasta la vista Baby..."

Saludos a todos

Luis Carlos

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