Me262A-1/U4, 1/48 Dragon

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During intense sanding, those details were lost, ... restored!


Something that should also be ready before starting the painting are the lights on the wings.


We joined the pieces with Micro Kristal Klear, once dry, apply super glue on the contour to reinforce the union and give strength when filing and sanding.


It's all for now ... we kept in touch.

Saludos cordiales !! :thumbup:
Such that again :salute:, continuing the novel "Me 262", move on to the next episode ...:lol:

A good washed whole plane with dish soap diluted in water.


Once dry the model, I gave him a good polished surface ready to leave for the primer...


... I hope you can distinguish in the picture to the piece on the left, before polishing and polished at right ...


... This tiny antenna, gave me a lot more work than expected at the time to give it a sanded after cutting from the branch !! ... phew !! :-#


Now, all ready for the application of primer ...\\:D/



... So spend the night at the shed ...:sleeping:


In a time tomorrow, I shall review the details that are, I want to fix the detail of the windshield (so maybe I mask all clear parts), recovering some panels and rivets, ... but that is another episode to enter to chapter full of paint!

Hasta pronto amigos! :thumbup:

Luis Carlos
(Gracias Wojtek, Wayne, Terry y Huge :salute:)
Hello comrades, have passed several days.

After a few days of vacation with my kids (before the holiday period here in Mexico of "Holy Week and Easter"); ...would enjoy the holiday at home bringing forward of my slow project. ...but :sad10: ...

It turns out that hurt my back accommodating boxes of coffee and I spent eight days in bed practically with inflammation reducers, analgesics and massages. Only about last 4 days that I can go down to eat in the dining room and get some work done on my computer ... and I could not do anything to my turbo-German. :cry::(

My recent interventions in some forums, I have done from the bed using my laptop or Smartphone. 8-[

A moment ago, I managed to continue my painting process, in which I intend to apply the two colors (Tamiya XF-2 and XF-55) that will chromatic variety to the final colors of the aircraft.

I have a previous photos that I could not share with because of my "disability". :-s

But that will be later. Thank you for your many visits.

Return as soon as possible.

Saludos :thumbup:

Luis Carlos
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Sorry to hear about your back injury, Luis.
I know exactly how you feel, as I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is getting progressively worse. Pain and discomfort are normal, in ankles, knees, shoulders, arms and especially in the wrists, hands and fingers. But the frustration of very often not being able to do simple tasks is what hurts the most !
I hope you have a quick recovery, and that there are no long-term lasting effects.
I very much appreciate your good wishes my dear friend Terry. Thank you for also share me your situation and hope it will be bearable in the best way possible.
Your enthusiasm, companionship, knowledge and taste for sharing your experience, make you a very dear person in the forum.

I suffer from a fracture in the 5th lumbar vertebra as a result of a car accident in 1980, along with 3 fissures in the pelvis. All my youth I did a lot of exercise and that helped me out best. I had to change my lifestyle, I bid farewell to contact sports, skiing, carrying heavy things, etc., take care of my posture and forbidden fat.
Currently I play tennis, some golf and all my life I swam. But (as a saying goes) "it is not the same, the 3 Musketeers, thirty years later," and although I have not required surgery, the doctors have told me that depending on my care will be needed sooner or later. ... and they are over 35 years !!

Thanks again for your words and soon update the photos. :thumbup:
Luis Carlos
Hello again.
Thanks Andy for your comments and good intentions. :thumbleft:

Transparent parts, ready to paint!



Lines in black color to define panels (I keep trying to make them even thinner)




Yesterday I made the application of tones for the outer layers of the official colors.




Today I hope to apply the color of the bottom of the plane and part of the sides (RLM 76-Lichtblau; FS 35622)

The two tones corresponding to the top are:
RLM 81-Braun Violett; FS 30045 and
RLM 82-Hellgrum; FS 34096

From the Federal Standard website, I share the link where are the three tones I will use for my model. (I hope I have done well <<at the foot of the page>>:rolleyes:, or ask the experts to indicate me how to do it well or better ...)

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
We kept in touch and excellent day for all ...! :mrgreen:

Saludos :thumbup:
Luis Carlos


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