Melbourne Model Expo (2010)

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Ok Guys, been over and back, caught up with Alex and Vic at the Expo, good to see you guys!!

Time went quick, helped my mate sell plenty of stuff, his best expo ever!

Scored trophies for both entries, a First Place for the Bf109E in the Small scale OOB/ Enhanced and a second for the Ki-84 in the Large Scale Open class....the Fw190D that beat me was Awesome!

So let's get down to it.

First up Small Scale Out of Box/ Enhanced Category Propeller driven Aircraft.

FIRST little Yellow tipped bird.


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I remember marvelling at that model on Monday,I had no idea it was urs Wayne!
I was originally going to go on the Saturday and the Monday but only got to go on the Monday in the end so missed out on meeting up with Vic (and urself).
I took a few snaps but my photography is awful so I'll leave it to you mate.8)

Pretty slack man....all that way and missed you! Caught up with Vic and Alex on Saturday.

No excuses next year Tony!!
Well done Wayne, I took a pic of your model myself, but yours are much better. It was nice to meet you and Alex and I look forward to next year's show, this one was very enjoyable and I picked up a few good tips.

I am old, be kind. How the bl**dy he!! does one find out about these shows????? I have seen nothing this one was coming up. Even tho I am too far away to make the trip with the expense of travel. But I would like to know at least. I went onto the IPMS site and saw there is a swap and sell meet, is this held in MLB as well? And Wayne, your little yellow tipped bird is a gem!

Are there any shows here in Sydney? Ever???? And how would I ever know??? Bill
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i want to see this awsome Dora !

You will in patient! It will be the next thread....after this one.

Thanks for your comments Guys!

Second place was another 109, this time a G series, captured.


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