Yep, that's what I meant by all the line work being too heavy. The rivets would show around their circumference, when close up, due to moisture trails etc, as would the panel lines, particularly around areas of increased or disturbed air flow, such as hinges, antenna etc. But the whole lot is too pronounced, making it look like a printed card model. Also, check the anti-slip walkways on the top of the engine sponsons - not one sign of wear, tear, or staining. There should be at least some semblance of use here, plus the trails down the sides of the fuselage, left by the rubber heels of the ground/deck crew's boots. All of these things need to tie in, in order to make the overall finish believable, and appear 'right'.
The major detraction on first view is the base - even for a carrier aircraft visiting a land base, it's not a 'believable' scene. Why cobbles, why so narrow, how come the grass is as neat as a bowling green, and where is the aircraft heading to? Perhaps it's made a visit to the local golf club, and is heading out to the first green ?!!!