Melbourne Model Expo (2011)

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Second place a nice Wellington...


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Third Place a rather well executed pattern on this Bf109G-6


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wow is that an authentic scheme or has the modeller made it up ?

It's said it was Bf 109G-8 (possible G-6) of 2.(H)/NAGr 12 and flown by Hauptmann Emmerstorfer often.In 1997 David Wadman and Hikoki Publishing company published a book entitled "Aufklarer-Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Aircraft Units- 1935-1945". In the book it's said that the aircraft was painted in Dark Brown, no RLM number but just Dark Brown.
However in "Militaria I Fakty" no. 51/2009, AJAKS book it is considered to be painted with Light Grey irregular strips applied on the fuselage painted with Dark Green overall and wings and tails covered with Dark Green/Black Green at top surfaces.
Anyway it's a very unique camo scheme.

Looking very nice.

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