Melbourne Model Expo (2011)

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back to finish this one up...Mk.V Spitty


  • 12_Spitfire Mk.V_4964.jpg
    12_Spitfire Mk.V_4964.jpg
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  • 12_Spitfire Mk.V_4975.jpg
    12_Spitfire Mk.V_4975.jpg
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Canopy looks a bit milky, could be the lighting angle, pretty good otherwise and base is good desert scrub.
The lighting might be affecting the appearance of the canopy, but it also seems to be sitting slightly high. Noticed the edge of the wing tip too - make be over spray from the underside, or maybe worn off paint from handling?
Quite nice overall, but the brightness of the national markings and codes doesn't quite match the slightly weathered paint finish. Also, the joint at the windscreen is a bit prominent. Still good generally though.

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