Melbourne Shooting

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Did you also see on tonights National news that AMAZING footage of the Australian Blackhawk hitting the flight deck !? Maybe hit is not correct, it just flew into the deck. No wonder that footage was initially withheld from the public by the Department of Defence. Serious case of pilot error?
Did you also see on tonights National news that AMAZING footage of the Australian Blackhawk hitting the flight deck !? Maybe hit is not correct, it just flew into the deck. No wonder that footage was initially withheld from the public by the Department of Defence. Serious case of pilot error?

I did, was pretty shocking.

Can't seem to find a video at the moment, look again in a day or so.

Pilot came in way to fricken fast!

The part where the SAS guy explained how the seat collapsed and he felt some pain in his back. That actually saved him from having a more serious back injury or spinal injury. The Troop seats in the back are designed to collapse in crashes like this to prevent more serious injury.
I am just hurting watching that. It looked like it flew into the deck from my amature eys as well.

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