Member Mug Shots (continued)

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Right, from the updated member mugshots thread by lesof, i just have to loose cannons on comments!
firstly, the guy with the snot dripping out of his nose smiling at the camera? He's actually a friend of mine, nicknamed Sky (he has a metal plate in his head) , from the Sealed Knot and he plays a leper on the LH site...
i must say that The Lanc Kicks Ass looks ever so schweet in his pic, whereas Plan D (take this as a compliment young 'un!) looks like a very young Alan Rickman! 102 First Hussars - phew! and as for my lickle Med, he's always sooooo cute in his pics, bless him!
ah, leching over, 'til next time!
At the MOTAT Museum with our son at the weekend.

We didn't know there was an emergency services display on when until we got there.

The Coastguard one was excellent as a good personal friend is one of the Bosses for this boat and we never expected to see him there.

The guys from the Tower spotted my fire TShirt and wandered over for a chat as they were setting things up.

The young fella was gob smacked.


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New mug shot.
In case anyone wonders the Hood was a nickname given to me by the famly based on a baddy in a childrens series called Thunderbirds. He had bushy eyebrows but was as bald as a coot.


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Thunderbirds...was the late 60s, early 70s, show that was about a group of do-gooder warriors who flew around in really cool jets and underwater vehicles I loved the fact that they were all very well done models and the show had great effects without being campy. Not bad for a show whose main characters were puppets.

And Les, he's right.


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