Member Mug Shots (continued)

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well here is the latest with the temps around 105F a week or so ago. Me bruder and me at the old home stead back in the 1964 till ? The house was green then with an ugly wooden door. About 4 city blocks from where I live now. Mr money bags (my brother) finally got up to see me for a week from ever so smoggy southern Cal :)

Yep I look like an old hippie fart // this pic is going to be huge guys.......


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Well here is a new one that I took this morning in the Dominican Republic before I left my hotel to fly back to Germany. Drinking one last Pina Colada and smoking a good hand rolled cigar. Did I say this morning. That was monday morning and I arrived Tuesday morning in Germany because of the time difference.


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I buy Cubans over here in Germany quite a bit. They are legal over here also. When I was in the Dominican Republic I went to a Cigar Factory and watched them make cigars and then I tried several different kinds and ended up buying a box with a variety of different kinds. They were pretty good.
Nothin' better than sittin' in a hot country with a cool glass of ANY alcohol and a cigar.

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