Member Mug Shots (continued)

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I had a pair made for me when I was in Holland and they fit for my size. I thought it would be a neat souvinear which it was but when I tried to put them on, they were the most unconfortable things I ever put my feet in.
I wasn't trying to tell you to take the pic away Cripps, just make it a bit bigger.
It's not my place to tell people what to do. I'm just a simple guy, with simple expectations.

(The key word is "simple". )
Hey Skim... Im not offended hunny.
But how can you make a small and lovely thing like me bigger..... you've seen what happens when I go bigger...... Crackers!!!! ....never good

Truthfully..... not sure that would be a good pic to blow up on this sight, its hard to control Lancs as it is
I shall get one done with a polo neck jumper on (safest )

(Stay Simple)

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