Mexico Hit By Earthquake Today

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Thank you very much Robert and Wayne for your concern.

In the area where I live, the earthquakes had not been felt since Sept. 19, 1985.
I had already commented on the experience recently on the 7th of this month. But yesterday (September 19, 13:14 hours - just 32 years later) was felt horrible, trepiratory and oscillating and this time there was the collapse of several buildings in the city.
My house did not suffer any hurt, but it did move a lot ... a lot!!
Relatives and friends in the city report well.
At the time of the earthquake, electric power and local telephone lines were cut off. Via cell phones, we were able to be comunicated and informed of the magnitude of the tragedy.
A few hours ago the light was restored. Watching the news, they are sad images because of the number of people affected and the lists of deaths increasing. It will be long days of rescue and removal of debris.
I send you a big hug and I really appreciate your interest.

Saludos a mis amigos del mundo.

xico sigue en pie!!

Luis Carlos.
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michael maltby, Wojtek, Robert, David, Andy, Shortround6, ... to each and every one of you I am very grateful for your thoughts and prayers.
These are difficult times but they bring values, strength, solidarity to help the disgraced brother. Authorities suspended classes at all levels of education in at least 5 states.
Here in Mexico City, they also said that if there is no important reason to leave home, do not go out; to free the streets and routes of mobilization to support and rescue units.
My dear friends of this wonderfull forum, I reiterate my gratitude and feel your closeness. There are no borders, distances or languages; we are a unit and in the name of my family and mine too, thank you and God bless you.

Gracias y saludos a todos
Luis Carlos
Muchas gracias Dr. Huge y gumbyk.

I appreciate your interest and I agree with you that our planet is giving us attention calls.
Today we spent part of the day helping in logistics work in a collection center and I was impacted by the huge number of civilian volunteers (thousands and thousands of young people and entire families) in the different jobs. It has been a huge example of solidarity and value of Mexicans.

Saludos y gracias por hacerse presentes.
Muchas gracias Wayne, así es, nosotros estamos bien.
There are more than 30 buildings collapsed, ... have fallen another 5 after the earthquake; 60 buildings with structural damage have been reviewed. (this only in Mexico City).
Rescue work continues and people are still alive among the rubble.
We are leaving again to the collection center to continue helping.
Thanks for joining me on this.

Gracias mi amigo.

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