Modeling heaven and modeling hell.

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Airman 1st Class
Jun 14, 2012
For me, modeling heaven is that first base coat of paint. You have finished the construction, primed and preshaded, prepared your paint mix and then sprayed. At last you see your model looking something like you envision it. To me that first base coat is even better than than putting it down and saying it is finished. Maybe it is the contrast between the rough and ready primer and the smooth base coat but it always makes me realise how much I enjoy our hobby, trouble is I so often start anotherkit and put of second coat, waethering etc.

Hell, canopies, painting road wheels, fitting fusalage halves together.

What about you, what are your modeling heaven and hell moments?
Heaven - when my hands work properly, and everything can be done at the first attempt. Very rare.
Hell - when my hands don't work properly, everything takes three, four or six attempts - and that's just picking up a part - and the frustration builds to the point of wanting to smash things with a bl**dy big hammer. Fortunately, I wouldn't be able to pick up, hold, or wield a bl**dy big hammer.
Mmmm......Heaven, getting the primary stuff together and starting to paint....over the big hurdle!

Hell...fitting all them final fiddly bits and breaking something in the process....
Heaven is having the time to sit and spend some time building and/or painting a model.

Hell is when the aliens come and remove small parts for their own devious purposes.....well actually the parts just ping out of tweezers or haemostats never to be seen again :)


Just finished an Eduard BF 110. Hell; trying to work with PE, magazine straps agggh. Heaven, the finished look of PE, seatbelts, control panel, magazines.
Heaven ?...Hell ?.....nahhhhh, what you guys have is this ...! :)


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Heaven - that first coat of base finish, seeing how nicely the preshading came out, how nice the finish is.......

1) ping! Off goes that damned tiny piece to feed to carpet monster
2) Snap! That fiddly bit getting broken right as you are finishing. One of these days I am going to learn to wait until THE VERY DAMNED END to glue on the radio mast!
3) Smooging that final decal trying to get it in perfect place AFTER you have the micro sol on.
4) Splat! The spooge flying from your airbrush as you try to get that last little spot nailed (thin the damned paint and keep the brush clean).
5) Screech - that slip of the FRESH xacto blade as you are trying to trim that mask on the canopy (love Future for that)

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