My Dioramas

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John Reid

Jun 18, 2018
Montreal Canada
This is a 1:16th scratch model that I did for the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa Canada titled "Against the Wind." This Vignette is from the larger diorama. It depicts a forced down Camel in a German hangar. The pilots, of course, are checking it out.

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Welcome to the site.
It doesn't matter if it is a scratch built or bought set. It's a model and it is finished now. So that's the relevant sub-section for that.

BTW.. looking nicely. :thumbright:
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Thanks, guys, I am glad that you like it.Cheers! John.

This is a scratch built diorama of a Nieport 28 in a hanger/barn in France near the front lines. The instructors uniform is a little too shiny in this pic but unnoticeable in the museum case. I lit it with just a single 5W Christmas bulb.

Nieuport last pics 007.jpg
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