My Dioramas

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Well, thank you guys again you make this old guy happy with your kind words. I used to use Photobucket until they treated their customers with such disdain. I now use Imgur but they are not yet in any kind of order. There are 18,000 pics over there mostly on modeling.
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Legend of the diorama scratch builder John Reid comes back :shock:

But I can't find his old posts. Why ?
I clearly remember that I praised him as "genius" several years ago.
Anyway -

Good job again, John !
Yes,I remember maybe on another forum maybe some years back while I could not remember the name I remembered the works!Nice to see you are still kicking the can John ;)
Beautiful samples of your work John, it will be very illustrative to enjoy your work. Welcome to the family and do not forget to inform us where we can consult and know your work.

Saludos desde México :thumbup:
Luis Carlos

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