My Mum....Your Help with Wishes Guys!

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Ok Waynes Mum as you are raking in the dosh on the gee gees how about giving an old pommie a couple of tips my wallets more empty than blooming Rolf Harris's paint pot
No second placers now, only winners please and enough time to get the bet on as im the other side of the planet and the bus service is rubbish were I live

all the best luv
Lee the pommie

please pass this on ( read it ) to your Mum Wayne


Lee....her response....More good luck than good management!..but I'll take it just the same, she said!!:D

Took her to the Doctor for her pill prescription top up today ...has lost another 5Kg in the past month or two down to 64kg, only thing the doc is a bit uneasy about.

Thanks for your continued wishes and support Guys.
I was just catching up on your mom, its good to hear she has been up and about and in good spirits. The weight loss is tough with chemo; the treatments sometimes really zap your sense of taste and your appetite. I hope that levels out.
Heh....tell her that what she's doing is definitely NOT on the " Approved WeightLoss Program List". She must cease and desist immediately, return all lost weight, and choose a program off of the list in order to lose extra poundage. Don't make us warn her again.....!

(the above is meant to be read with a slightly sarcastic/humorous tone)
Heh....tell her that what she's doing is definitely NOT on the " Approved WeightLoss Program List". She must cease and desist immediately, return all lost weight, and choose a program off of the list in order to lose extra poundage. Don't make us warn her again.....!

(the above is meant to be read with a slightly sarcastic/humorous tone)


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