Thanks guys. Andy, before any equipment is moved, from pick-up to shovel, a pre-trip is mandatory. Basically a walkaround looking for leaks, damage and overall condition. Damage must be reported immediately. If you don't report it and someone else finds the damage later on, it becomes your damage and you suffer the consequences. Because I'm bored, here's a grader pre-trip...
1) Check the body fluids (hydraulics, coolant, transmission and oil levels) in the engine compartment and look for leaks. Look for damage - to be done at each step.
2) Articulation cylinders and center pin. Look for leaks under the machine.
3) Check the tires for cuts and wear
4) Undercarriage condition and leaks.
5) Rear lights, fire suppression system and ripper.
Other side is basically the same
6) Front lights.
7) Grease lines, steering cylinders.
8) Rear grease lines, tires.
9) Lift cylinders, circle motor, grease lines.
10) Circle, circle shims.
11) Cutting edge, side shift shims and cylinders.
The pre-trip book is then filled out and any irregularities noted. We're also supposed to do a post-trip to check and see if we did any damage during the day.