My WW2 photos/Vids album

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something is going wrong with the communication here.

I apologize. My intention is not to offend or antagonise anyone. And certainly not to insult anyone's intelligence. I have no desire to quarrel with you or any other member of this site. Im not making judgements about anyone i personally know nothing about. If my reply seemed sharp or disrespectful im sorry, i obviously misconstrued your comment. Im not here to make enemies or spread discontent. Im contrite and just want to post pics without misunderstanding which is why i will refrain from adding any further narratives to them.
pray tell, where was i wrong ?

Claire Sweeney from Liverpool is not a scouser ?
brookside is not a soap opera ?
it was really Flt. Lt. Juliette Fleming ?

just asking :dontknow:

You weren't wrong. And my apology to marcel was meant for you. I got confused with all the quotes. But it applies equally to all.
Sorry if our wires crossed. I meant no malice:thumbleft:
that is a great shot.

wonder what the casualty rate was among WW2 carrier deck crew just from accidents recovering and launching aircraft ?
I imagine pretty high, as carrier operations were still relatively experimental. Especially getting an aircraft to stop in such a short distance without damage to the plane or crew. I'll see if i can find some figures.... I know that quite a few airmen/mechanics were decapitated. Which is why they introduced a saying on carriers decks that went something like "Rule no 1. Stay away from shiny spinning things!"
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